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RealTreats and Other Residential Stays

Throughout the year we provide a selection of residential stays that we call our RealTreats. They can be anything from pampering stays to themed celebrations. They also range in duration, anywhere from two days to a week. These are often catered for with vegetarian/vegan foods and even raw gourmet foods at times. You can choose to stay in a shared room or have a room to yourself. Some include a complementary therapy session. There is also time to make the most of the stunning Highland scenery around Crystal House. People have often left Crystal House feeling relaxed, refreshed and grounded.

Finding The Real You

Friday 22nd - Monday 25th September 2023

Do you know who you are? Do you know what you want? If you had confidence and trust in yourself, what would your life be like? What are the blocks/self limiting beliefs you put in your way that stops you living your fullest potential and highest purpose in life? Do you believe in yourself? What would you like your life to be like? 

This journey is about finding our real self and discovering the truth of who we are. With this you can discover what is truly possible in your lives and generate a life that reflects this back to you.  You will learn ways to relate to your experiences and learn techniques to help you move beyond the patterns of your past. You will experience a deep sense of belonging to all that is and awaken an inner awareness of being pure love. You will learn to trust your inner self guidance. You will learn how to honour your individuality and oneness. You will learn how to express your true self in a loving and honouring way to yourself and others.

It is time to be the real authentic you. We are so excited to be facilitating this 3 day RealTreat. A sacred safe space will be provided to explore our divine nature and to have the power to stand courageously in your truth. It includes deep inner work, group healing discussions, physical energy work, dance, high frequency heart based energy healing meditations and sharing. 

This is an invitation to you to express your truth, to dive into life without fear, to love yourself more fully and deeply and to embody the fullness of your divine creative nature. Now is the time to transcend from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Your investment for this is £444 which includes your en-suite accommodation and a nourishing breakfast. You will also receive a gift bag that includes crystals and a journal.

You will still have time to relax, explore the spectacular Highland scenery or even book any one to one sessions from the many Wellbeing Services we provide. The Wellbeing Services include Transference Healing ®, crystal chakra balancing, journey therapy, drum massage, sonic chakra alignment , the Alexander Technique, sound bath with Tibetan Singing Bowls, gong bath, crystal healing and readings.

A completed booking form and non refundable deposit of £111 required by 31st July 2023 and the balance to be paid one week before the start of the retreat. Bookings close on 8th September 2023.


Mindfulness & Meditation

Date: 24th - 26th June 2022


Are you feeling stressed and anxious? Is your life feeling like it’s swirling around you and that you are blindly existing from day to day?

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. It is the basic human ability to be fully present in the moment aware of our thoughts feelings and bodily sensations. It’s not only about being aware of our internal world, but also being fully present of our world around us. As we become more mindful, we can develop more appreciation, gratitude and even compassion for ourselves and the world around us.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a great way help to calm your mind and can reduce stress. With meditation you can improve your focus and concentration, gain a sense of peace of mind, enhance your clarity of thought, gain more insight and intuitive wisdom, awaken the real you inside.

There is no right or wrong way to meditate but there are lots of different tools and techniques to enable you to enable you to feel calm and relaxed.
In this retreat you will be taught some of the simple yet powerful tools and techniques to help you feel more peace, focus and wisdom within your being. The workshops will take place both indoors and outdoors. You will be experiencing moving mindfulness meditations as you connect with the magic and wonder of nature. Thus you will need to bring with you suitable walking footwear and clothing to keep you warm and dry.
This two day retreat includes en-suite accommodation, a nourishing breakfast and all the workshop meditations.

You will still have time to experience the spectacular scenery of the mystical Highlands or book one of the many Wellbeing Services provided at Crystal House.

Booking closes on 17th June at 9 pm.

Cost: £250 for 2 days

Fun With Belly Dance Holiday

Friday 12th - Monday 15th August 2022

We all know that doing exercise is a great way to get fit but not everyone wants to do high impact aerobic workouts. Research shows that dancing can help you improve, not only on a physical level, but on a mental and emotional level too.

In this “Fun With Belly Dance” holiday you will learn how to wriggle your hips and shake your bootie. Belly dancing is a great way to improve your fitness levels, build core strength and boost your self confidence. You will be getting fit, toned and energised whilst having a belly full of laughs. By the end you will have learnt to celebrate your body and your feminine side.

There will be 6 hours of tuition over the weekend. You will be taught choreographed workout dance routines that you can take with you and enjoy. There will be step by step guidance on how to do the movements. We will also look at posture and how to create the isolated movements.

This is suitable for total beginners as well as those with limited experience. Anyone of any fitness level would enjoy this. You do not need to have belly dance wear, but if you do, please feel free to bring them along. You need to be comfortable and supported in the clothes you wear for dancing. As part of the holiday, you will be given the gift of a hip belt, so you can enjoy the jingle of the belt as you shimmy away, as well as being a keepsake.

Sarina has 15 years experience of belly dancing and 9 years experience of teaching. As an Alexander Technique teacher also, she brings this specialist knowledge of how the body moves to her teaching practice.

Included in your stay:
Six hours of tuition over the weekend.
En-suite accommodation.
A gift of a hip belt.
Optional activity of watching recorded belly dance performances

Your investment: £295

Bookings close on Monday 1st August 2022 at 6 pm.

Anyone who books on will assume full responsibility of the waiver below:
“I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a doctor prior to and regarding my participation in the above named programme. I represent and warrant that I have no medical condition that would prevent my participation. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damage known or unknown which I might incur as a result of participation in the programme.”

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Heal Your Inner Child Wounding - Awaken The Magic Within

Friday 26th - Tuesday 30th August 2022

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Do you have inner child wounding? Do you feel unable to realise your full potential due to childhood blocks and traumas still surfacing in your life?

I remember it once being said that all of us are born like shiny clear diamonds. But that over time, these beautiful diamonds get covered over with the tarnish of negative life experiences and our shine gets lost beneath these layers. Your inner child wounding can keep you from being able to be who you really are and can continue to disempower you.

As you heal your inner child wounding and the layers get cleared away, you begin to tap into your vast potential. You feel yourself connecting with your heart and feel the purity within. You are able to grow emotionally and spiritually.

This luxury 4 day RealTreat works on healing your inner child wounding, restoring balance and connect more with your heart centre. It is about exploring the creative power of your imagination through different mediums including creative play and frequency healing meditations. This deeply healing and powerful RealTreat encourages you to awaken your gifts and talents as you journey into the magical realms as you are guided through a number of inner child healings.

You will begin your frequency healing journey with a sacred sounds meditation on the first evening. You will have the opportunity to experience the nature and Elemental magic of the Highlands as well as tap into your inner child through more creative play with a Mindfulness Meditation walk.

You will also receive a one to one Child of Light healing session for each individual. It brings through crystalline frequencies which work on the deep levels of your etheric patterning to clear inner child pain.

There will also be group meditations, including Child of Light Meditation that will further enhance the integration of stellar/light and crystalline frequencies as it incorporates the high frequency energies of the magic of Merlin and Unicorn magic.
You will still have time to relax, explore the spectacular Highland scenery or even book any one to one sessions from the many Wellbeing Services we provide. Available sessions will include Transference Healing ®, crystal chakra balancing, drum massage, spiritual mentoring, sonic chakra alignment, the Alexander Technique, massage, crystal healing, or sound therapy.

Your investment is £777 which includes your en-suite accommodation, nourishing breakfasts and dinners, all the healing meditations including the one to one sessions. You will also receive a gift bag worth over £100 which includes a Child of Light Meditations and Affirmations book and cards set, a Child of Light purification spray, crystals and other goodies.

A non refundable deposit of £222 is required by Monday 4th July. The balance to be paid in full by the closing date of Monday 15th August 2022. We are able to offer an easy payment scheme.

Clearing Karmic Wounding RealTreat

Date: Thursday 27th - Sunday 30th October 2022

Have you ever noticed how there are times when you are with certain people and you can feel exhausted after you have been in their company. Or you may have a certain experience that leaves you feeling drained. If this only happened once or twice over a life time, we would be OK. However, this is often not the case. As this happens to us over and over again, we soon start to feel depleted and this can lead to further fatigue and difficulty in enjoying life.

This high frequency 3 day residential RealTreat works on severing karmic wounding, clearing etheric and astral energies. There will be healing workshops that will give you some tools to take away and work on yourself, and healing meditations to experience the high frequency energies that help you disconnect from the karmic situations and old restrictive patterning and emotions. Note that you will not be severing your relationships with loved ones, friends etc. but clearing the depletion that causes it. There will be a sacred sounds meditation on the first evening. You will also have the opportunity to experience the nature and Elemental magic of the Highlands with a Mindfulness Meditation walk.

On the final evening there will be a healing meditation will be a powerful shamanic Sacred Circle of Fire that includes working with the four directions, the guardian essences of specific animal magic, crystals and elements. This beautiful circle will help purify your power centre and create a state of empowerment and enlightenment.

The cost of the retreat is £444 which includes your en-suite accommodation, a nourishing breakfast, all the healing workshops and meditations. You will also have a gift bag which includes crystals and a journal as well as other goodies.

You will still have time to relax, explore the spectacular Highland scenery or even book any one to one sessions from the many Wellbeing Services we provide. Available sessions will include Transference Healing ®, crystal chakra balancing, drum massage, sonic chakra alignment , the Alexander Technique, aromatherapy massage, readings, or sound therapy.

A completed booking form and a non refundable deposit of £111 is required. The balance to be paid in full by  Thursday 20th October 2022. Closing date is Thursday 20th October 2022. We are able to offer an easy payment scheme.


Crystal House, Church Brae, Strathpeffer, Scotland, IV14 9AW


T: 01997 421 300/ 07890 002 453

© 2019 Crystal House  created by Sarina Armshaw with

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