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Do you find yourself experiencing any of the following?

Headaches or migraines not alleviated by painkillers.


Dizziness, ringing in the ears, co-ordination imbalances.


Hormonal imbalances.


Lack of circulation, loss of muscular power and brief periods of weakness.


Mood swings and bouts of short term depression.


Vagueness in the head and an empty feeling in the stomach.


These are just some of what is also known as lightbody symptoms that you could be experiencing.

It might be time for you to experience a Transference Healing ®.


"It's a healing of hope, light and love, enhancing a spiritual awakening ..... Through it we can return to a state of oness ..." Alexis Cartwright

Full Transference Healing ®  

A full Transference Healing ® session lasts up to 1 and a half hours. As your Practitioner I will not be diagnosing a condition by analysing physical or emotional symptoms. I will be looking deeply into the etheric component of the body, when running the procedures, and through the use of divination charts gain insight from a more intuitive level, in order to generate a 'reading' about what is impacting and creating the healing process at that time.


Transference Healing ® works not only with the physical, but also the emotional, mental, spiritual and electromagnetic dimensions of the body and consciousness.It is the magnetic aspects of Transference that creates its powerful alchemical shifts.


The session includes feedback on the process, your record sheet and crystal essences that will support the procedures. The process does not finish at the end of the session as the energies will continue to run for anything up to three weeks as you fully intergrate the changes within your system.


As I work on the etheric patterning sessions can take place on an absentee basis and I am able to work with you where ever you are in the world. As an absentee healing session, you are able to continue with your daily activities. After the session I will give you a feedback either by phone or skype and your crystal essences and transformational sheet will be posted out to you.


Your investment: £100 (for absentee there will be an additional charge to cover p&p)


Alchemy Gridding Meditation

Experience the transformative powers of alchemy to bring about a divine healing. I will be working with the Healing With Alchemy set created by Alexis Cartwright that works with 34 symbols, including power symbols that connect you to lineages of past mystery schools.


Alchemy holds the resources to tap into the powers held by the Creative Principle. 


You can choose whether you want this as a distance healing session or one where you are physically present. The distance healing sessions can be completely remote or through live streaming.


The session lasts up to one hour.


Your investment: £55

Beyond Doorways

This powerful session will help you to maintain balance, raise your frequency and clear your energies. In support of your personal journey, this healing will provide clarity and enlightenment. Take your first steps towards personal power.


In this session you will:

Balance your electromagnetic lines of force.

  • Balance your electromagnetic lines of force.

  • Work with your Chiron wound.

  • Clear your 3rd Eye chakra.

  • Receive frequencies of light to support the continual evolution of the glandular system and biochemical secretions.

  • Balance the emotional body.

  • Receive and learn how to sever Karmic Pain and keep the feeling vortex clear.

  • Receive different frequencies of light through colour baths to cleanse, purify and protect.


The combination of these unique alchemical Transference Healing frequencies will support you to release density and blockages from your cells, DNA and the different planes of the body, which support the clearing of you and your family lineage as you continue on your ascension journey.


Your investment: £55

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